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A Metrolink train hit a white Toyota Camry at 8 a.m. near the intersection of Rose Hills Road and Capitol Avenue, killing two people inside.
When Metrolink CEO Darren Kettle evacuated, the flames seemed to be heading away from his home in Las Posas Estates. They eventually burned his house to the ground.
The fatal train collision resulted in shutting down travel in both directions and temporarily stranding 70 passengers on the train that was involved.
A pedestrian was killed early Monday by a Metrolink commuter train in Northridge. Metrolink officials said the person was hit in a ‘non-pedestrian area.’
The technology’s goal is that trains would automatically slow down or stop when cameras and sensors verified the presence of a person, vehicle or debris.
A suspension of the six-county Metrolink train system will allow for repairs and upgrades. Officials hope the light holiday season will ease the commuting strain.
A gunman sprayed a Metrolink train with bullets late Wednesday night at a Palmdale station, leaving two people hospitalized and a passenger car pocked with holes.
Metrolink will suspend all service from Dec. 26 to 29. Here are the improvements that riders can expect and why it’s happening.
The crash occurred near Coldwater Canyon Avenue and Raymer Street and left the vehicle mangled between two tracks. The driver of the car was pronounced dead at the scene.
Services had just restarted when another landslide was discovered Monday. Tracks were closed between San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano.