
MOORPARK : Development Plan to Be Considered

The Moorpark City Council on Wednesday will consider a developer’s proposal to build 216 homes and two golf courses on 655 acres in the northwest area of the city.

The proposal by Bollinger Development Inc. features a “high end” municipal course that company President Paul Bollinger said would earn the city roughly $1 million each year, and an adjacent semi-private course.

Because the property is zoned for just one home per each five acres, Bollinger’s plan would require an amendment to the city’s General Plan, officials said.


Council members will consider the proposal and give Bollinger an early read on whether he should proceed with a formal application to amend the General Plan or revise his plans before proceeding with an application.

The city in 1990 gave Bollinger preliminary approval to build one semi-private golf course, a 48-acre equestrian center and 101 single-family homes on the property.

Because of financial problems between the property owners, one of whom was embattled financier Olen B. Phillips, that version of the project never got off the ground, officials said.


The council will consider Bollinger’s new proposal at its meeting Wednesday, 7 p.m., in City Hall, 799 Moorpark Ave.
