
CRESCENTA VALLEY : 8 Selected to Advise Sheriff’s Station

A college instructor, a retired county tax collector and an entrepreneur are among eight people who have been chosen to sit on a Crescenta Valley sheriff’s advisory committee.

“It’s kind of a wide variety of people,” said Lt. Bob Dixon of the sheriff’s station in La Crescenta. “Most of these people, like the college professor, have more contact” with the average citizen than deputies.

Sheriff’s officials started looking to fill the panel in late June by making applications available at the station and chamber of commerce offices throughout the Crescenta Valley. Deputies were hoping to find people involved in the community who would be able to help the station set goals for law enforcement, Dixon said.


Arthur (Ted) Schunck, a 70-year-old retired investigator for the county tax collector’s office, said the station has made strides to keep in touch with the community. With his financial experience, he plans to find out how the station spends its money.

Schunck said he also wants to “try and help the community understand what the sheriff is actually up against.”

Others on the committee include: Robert O’Neil, an instructor at Pierce College; Donald Graf, a retiree; David Herrman, a retired Jet Propulsion Laboratory engineer; Judith Marley, an executive manager at the Montrose-Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce; Robert Marley, a graphics designer at the Valley Sun newspaper; Nancy Gjerset, owner of an engineering company; and Tyler Wright, senior program director at the Crescenta-Canada YMCA.
