
Movie Weekend Gross Screens/Avg. Weeks (National ranking)...

Movie Weekend Gross Screens/Avg. Weeks (National ranking) (Studio) (National) (National) Released 1. Rising Sun (1) $292,292 16 / $18,268 1 (Fox ) ($15 million) (1,510 / $10,064) 2. Robin Hood: (6) $126,232 13 / $9,710 1 Men in Tights (Fox ) ($6.8 million) (1,263 / $5,417) 3. In the Line of Fire (2) $116,455 18 / $6,469 4 (Columbia ) ($8 million) (2,129 / $3,761) 4. The Firm (3) $91,363 16 / $5,710 5 (Paramount ) ($7 million) (2,105 / $3,362) 5. Sleepless in Seattle (8) $76,417 15 / $5,094 6 (Tri Star) ($4.8 million) (1,458 / $3,360)

Estimated from data supplied, as of press time, by Exhibitor Relations Co.
