
Travelers Express to Reorganize, Close Anaheim Office


Travelers Express Co. in Minneapolis said Friday it will close its office here in a reorganization that will eliminate about 92 jobs nationwide.

Travelers’ Anaheim risk-management office employs 19, said Ann Adams, a spokeswoman for Travelers, the nation’s largest provider of money orders. The company has 840 employees nationwide.

“The Anaheim employees will be considered for transfer to Minneapolis, and we will offer outplacement services,” Adams said. A regional sales office with six employees in the Los Angeles area will not be closed, she said.


The company is shutting down all three of its risk-management offices, including those in Dallas and in Mt. Laurel, N.J. Most of the positions will be transferred to corporate headquarters in Minneapolis, the company said. Jobs in Minneapolis will also be eliminated in the reorganization, but the company did not say how many.

Last year, Travelers cleared and distributed more than $70 billion in money orders, checks and drafts under the Travelers Express and Republic brand names. Travelers is a division of the Phoenix-based Dial Corp., a consumer products and services company.

In Friday’s trading on the New York Stock Exchange, Dial’s stock closed at $38 a share, up 62.5 cents.
