
BUENA PARK : VFW Finds Pricey Place to Relocate

After five years of searching for a place to relocate, members of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8954 have finally found a location.

Unfortunately, the post may not be able to afford to move in.

The post this week received approval from city planning commissioners to relocate to a building in an industrial area off Stage Road near Beach Boulevard.

“In more than five years, we’re further along now than ever,” said John Hood, post advocate who has been leading the search for a new location.


But commissioners placed restrictions on the post’s permit to operate at the new location, including paving and striping the parking area and installing fire sprinklers, which could make the move prohibitive, Hood said.

“We hope we have a home,” Hood said, “but at this point I can’t truthfully say.”

Hood said the costs to make the improvements to the property at 5470 Dodds Ave. are expected to exceed $20,000.

For more than 30 years, the post has been located in an unassuming Quonset hut-like building at Homewood Avenue and 8th Street. In past years, residents have complained about noise, parking problems and even violence as a result of the post renting its hall to outsiders.


Members said the new location is favorable because it is away from residential neighborhoods.

The post, the second-largest in the county with about 475 members, plans to buy the one-acre property and remodel the existing building to include a kitchen, a bar and an office. Part of the building would be rented out for private parties.

For more than three years, the city has not allowed the post to rent out its current hall for private parties, resulting in the loss of much-needed revenues, members said. The city also has limited hours of operation for the bar.


However, at the request of post members, planning commissioners agreed to extend the post’s hours of operation and sales of alcohol at the new location.

The post’s current location is within a city redevelopment project area. The redevelopment agency plans to buy the property for $50,000 and give an additional $50,000 for relocation costs. The city has given the post numerous deadlines to move during the past few years, but post members have requested extensions because of problems finding a new site.

The post also has to pay half the costs to remove asbestos from the building, Hood said, adding that the organization would be going into debt to move into the new location. “But we have no choice,” he said. “We’re going to have to move.”

Frank Longoria, post commander, said he is keeping his fingers crossed that the post’s search for a new home is over.

“We have to go someplace, and that place is as good as any,” Longoria said. “Hopefully, everything will turn out.”
