
White Challenges Claim He Called Killer a ‘Hero’

In “A Dead-End Movement Hits the Wall” (Opinion, Feb. 3), Gene Lichtenstein refers to me, not by name but by position, as regional chairman of Americans for a Safe Israel in 1994. He claims that I called Baruch Goldstein, the gunman in the massacre of 29 Arabs, “a hero and a Jewish martyr.”

Lichtenstein is way off base in his claim. Although, prior to that incident, based on personal acquaintance, I had a high opinion of Goldstein as a dedicated doctor and a devoutly religious and deeply spiritual person, I could not in good conscience call him a hero--certainly not before the hearings conducted by Israel’s Commission of Inquiry. But, of course, neither could I condemn him before all the facts were in.

Lichtenstein also singles out AFSI among Jewish groups, branding it as “far right.” It should be pointed out that AFSI’s dominant concern since the Oslo peace process was initiated in 1993 has been that Israel not relinquish any of its land--for biblical, historical, legal, moral and security reasons. Now that the vast majority of world Jewry, including most of the so-called left, has adopted AFSI’s position, then either we are all far right--and if so, so be it--or perhaps Lichtenstein is far left.


Julian M. White

Los Angeles
