
Dugongs Are Facing Extinction, U.N. Reports

The dugong, a mammal considered to be the inspiration for seafarers’ tales of mermaids, is disappearing from the planet, an indication of the degradation of coastal environments, the United Nations Environment Program said last week. The animal is gone from many of its habitats in the Indian Ocean and South China Sea and is on the brink of vanishing from the Indian Ocean off East Africa, the agency said.

The mammals, which resemble sea cows or manatees, can grow to about 10 feet in length and weigh nearly 900 pounds. They depend on sea grass beds for food. In many areas of the world, however, sea grass beds are being cleared for development or smothered by silt and mud from runoff caused by overgrazing and deforestation.


Compiled by Times staff writer Thomas H. Maugh II
