
A Swing Voter Airs His Views

Re “More Fitting Name for Swing Voters: Airheads,” Dec. 28:

I read John Balzar’s columns and enjoy them, but he seems to have worked himself into a lather this time. Lather takes lots of air. But I guess I’m one of the airheads. Though I wouldn’t qualify based on his certainty that these airheads don’t read. Hmm. I read the L.A. Times, the Register and Investor’s Business Daily every day and the Washington Post once a week, besides the Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s and the New Yorker. Perhaps I’m overinformed and that is why I don’t join the Republican or the Democratic club of “vote your party because it must be right.” They propose platforms that they promptly throw away after the election.

No, all politicians aren’t the same, but until there is some sort of campaign reform, you might as well vote the man and hope that you did the right thing. I’ve walked blocks, written letters, made donations and done everything but run for office to try to get some “good politicians” in office. But like the rest of the airheads, I’ll wait to see what these guys and gals have to say before I’ll commit to a vote. And yes, John, it does become discouraging. I don’t believe in blind allegiance. Every year I get closer and closer to not voting.

Patrick O’Brien

San Juan Capistrano
