
Deputies’ Retirement Plan

When working Californians cannot even take full advantage of new federal tax incentives to save for retirement and their children’s education, how can the Ventura County Deputy Sheriffs Assn. complain about their already excessive retirement plan?

The demands of the association are preposterous and the only reason they have spiraled out of control is most people are too busy earning a living, making ends meet and trying in between to put away for retirement or children’s college to get involved with politics. So the sheriffs association greedily takes advantage of the situation. However in today’s fragile economy, where in addition to being financially prudent, we have to be prepared for the unexpected, from earthquakes to terrorist attacks. We cannot afford to bankrupt the county with outlandish retirement demands and automatic salary increases.

Most companies in the state are “at-will employers,” which means that employees can be let go at any time for almost any reason.


If the deputies do not like their economic package, let them go somewhere else. If they threaten to strike or walk out, replace them like President Reagan did to the [air traffic] controllers. We need political leaders like county Supervisor Judy Mikels that will stand up for what is fiscally right for the majority and not function as a lobbyist for a special-interest group--the Ventura County Deputy Sheriffs Assn.

Randy Workman

Simi Valley
