
Life With Lavin Is Quite a Ride

Diane Pucin’s article on UCLA’s inconsistency sums up life as a Bruin basketball fan. I’d rather root for a team that has a strong sense of self and loses than one where you feel it’s like watching a pickup game each time. Westwood is waiting patiently to wish Steve Lavin well with his exciting, new announcing career.

David Bloome

Los Angeles


Steve Lavin’s energetic courtside fervor reminds me of one of John Wooden’s favorite maxims. “Do not mistake activity for achievement.”

Carl Wada



If Steve Lavin was more concerned with teaching fundamentals to his UCLA basketball team rather than making fashion statements then maybe the Bruins would not continually suffer from the Lavin Curse of panicking and blowing big leads in games.


Jack Allen

Pacific Palisades


UCLA fans are mad at Steve Lavin, but he was only keeping his eyes on the prize. Lavin is not as dumb as you think. He realized that, in order to get eight-year rollovers at UCLA, your teams have to quit mid-game or mid-season, a la Bob Toledo’s teams.

Willis Barton

Los Angeles


Bill Walton was a Bruin All-American, so why Wooden his son, Luke, have gone to UCLA?

Robert H. Williams

Monterey Park
