
Los Angeles Drivers: They’re Lost in a Fog

Re “41 Hurt in 198-Vehicle Smashup,” Nov. 4: It’s called tailgating! Tailgating is the most common complaint about drivers in the entire country, but in California it is de rigueur, it is expected, it is the style, and it is stupid. The great majority of drivers know how to put pedal to the metal but they haven’t the slightest idea about the distance requirements for stopping the beast or the time to react for events ahead of them.

Charles Lauderdale

Villa Park


I’d like to think that after 198 cars collided due to a dangerous mix of poor visibility and high speed, Angelenos will now drive smarter when conditions deteriorate. But I doubt it. Everyone has the attitude that something like the 198-car pile-up would never happen to them. News flash: There are 198 drivers who also thought it would never happen to them.

John Pattison

Los Angeles


How can the CHP say that crash on the Long Beach Freeway was caused by excessive speed? After years of observation while driving L.A. freeways I’ve noted that in fog or rain the traffic instantly slows from 85 mph to no more than 83 mph.


Brian Rebbechi

