
Excerpts From Tape Played by Al Jazeera

From Associated Press

From the U.S. transcript:

The road to safety begins by ending the aggression. Reciprocal treatment is part of justice.

The incidents that have taken place since the raids of New York and Washington ... -- like the killing of Germans in Tunisia and the French in Karachi, the bombing of the giant French tanker in Yemen, the killing of Marines in [Kuwait] and the British and Australians in the Bali explosions, the recent operation in Moscow ... -- are only reactions and reciprocal actions.

These actions were carried out by the zealous sons of Islam in defense of their religion and in response to the order of their God and prophet.... What Bush, the pharaoh of this age, was doing in terms of killing our sons in Iraq, and what Israel, the United States’ ally, was doing in terms of bombing houses that shelter old people, women and children with U.S.-made aircraft in Palestine were sufficient to prompt the sane among your rulers to distance themselves from this criminal gang.



Our kinfolk in Palestine have been slain and severely tortured for nearly a century. If we defend our people in Palestine, the world becomes agitated and allies itself against Muslims, unjustly and falsely, under the pretense of fighting terrorism.

What do your governments want by allying themselves with the criminal gang in the White House against Muslims? Do your governments not know that the White House gangsters are the biggest butchers of this age?

Rumsfeld, the butcher of Vietnam, killed more than 2 million people, not to mention those he wounded. Cheney and Powell killed and destroyed in Baghdad more than Hulegu of the Mongols.


What do your governments want from their alliance with America in attacking us in Afghanistan? I mention in particular Britain, France, Italy, Canada, Germany and Australia.


We warned Australia before not to join in ... the war ... in Afghanistan, and ... against ... its despicable effort to separate East Timor. It ignored the warning until it woke up to the sounds of explosions in Bali.


If you were distressed by the deaths of your men and the men of your allies in Tunisia, Karachi, [Kuwait], Bali and Amman, remember our children who are killed in Palestine and Iraq every day.
