
Grand Jury Seeks System to Track Its Ideas

From a Times Staff Writer

The Orange County Grand Jury on Monday urged the Board of Supervisors to do a better job of monitoring how recommendations made by the jury are implemented.

The grand jury comprises 19 citizens who, among other duties, watch over government institutions.

According to the report, the county does not have a way to make sure the grand jury’s recommendations and suggestions for improving government operations are acted upon.


“A coordinated manner to track the status of implementation has never been in place,” the jury wrote.

“A Grand Jury recommendation could fail to be implemented over time unless the [county] staff has been tracking, monitoring and reporting on the progress of the planned effort.”

The panel recommended that the county executive officer report to the Board of Supervisors on items not yet acted upon.


It also suggested that the CEO’s office prepare a detailed, written report for the grand jury by mid-March each year on the status of items that remain open.
