
Here Are Some Tips on NBA Tipoffs

The way that Billy Hunter, the NBA’s union director, has sprung to Latrell Sprewell’s defense suggests that there is really only one difference between those various schmoes who head up players’ unions and criminal defense lawyers: The latter occasionally represent innocent clients.

Burt Prelutsky

North Hills


Another Clipper season is about to start, and once again, Donald Sterling hasn’t been good to his word. He refuses to put his money where his mouth is. He has done nothing to keep this team together and build toward the bright future the talent level would suggest is possible. Fans should enjoy the Clippers now, but if history is any indicator, many of these players will be gone next year.

Time has proven that winning and losing on the court means little to Sterling. He doesn’t care that he’s a laughingstock in NBA circles. He’s a real estate man and in real estate circles, the Clippers are a huge winner.


Well, at least we have this year. Hopefully, the players will work hard and unselfishly, even though their future here is unlikely, and even though they work for the worst owner in professional sports.

Patrick Cirillo

