
Is Anybody Ever Called ‘Far-Left Ideologue’?

Re “Afghan Trips Become Election Issue,” Oct. 14:

I guess Jean O. Pasco searched in vain for just one of Rep. Dana Rohrabacher’s local constituents who actually believe he is doing a good job. He keeps getting reelected, so there has to be someone in his district who could say something positive. Here’s a clue from her article: “Rohrabacher, who had been dismissed by many as a far-right ideologue ....”

Is it possible to do a global search on The Times’ computers to determine if the following words have ever been used in one of your articles: “dismissed by many as a far-left ideologue”? I suspect such a person doesn’t exist in the minds of Times staff writers.

Finally, with your recent change in format, wouldn’t it have been a good time to move “Doonesbury” and “Boondocks” to the editorial page? Or perhaps, for balance, you could just include a couple of far-right ideologue artists to share their political agendas in the comic pages.


M. Russell Kruse

Newport Beach
