
Davis’ Need for Funds: It’s the Air Time

George Skelton was right in his Oct. 28 Capitol Journal column, pointing out that Gov. Gray Davis didn’t invent our corrupt and corrupting campaign finance system. A free-air-time proposal sponsored by Sen. John McCain and others offers one way to improve the system. Federal legislation would require that television and radio stations provide real campaign coverage in the weeks leading up to elections. Debates, interviews, forums or other programs that air issues could qualify.

While each television and radio station is granted exclusive use of a part of the public’s airways, the stations make no payment for it beyond a vague promise to provide public service. Stations are providing less and less news coverage of campaigns and issues but making more and more money from campaign ads. The huge cost of TV advertising is a major cause of the need for candidates to join the money chase that leads to the appearance of government for sale.

Bill Stanton

Garden Grove


“Davis Is Playing Parole Politics” (Commentary, Oct. 27) provides ample support for dismissing Davis from his current position. If I accept Earl Ofari Hutchinson’s description of the facts -- a reformed, repentant convicted murderer is approved for parole but Davis denies it for his own political gain -- I cannot with good conscience vote for our governor. We must expect our leaders to have a clearer vision of right and wrong and to demonstrate courage. Davis’ actions should concern us.


Wesley E. Barrow

Thousand Oaks


Vote for Davis. He approached Washington to discuss the energy crisis. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Vice President Dick Cheney and President Bush told him to get lost. The feds did nothing while California businesses were paying extremely high electric bills -- and going broke. So Davis dealt with the problem. We’ve had no blackouts since, and electricity is reasonably priced again. Give the guy credit!

Bob Wolff

Newport Beach
