
Send Criminal Immigrants Home

Re “When Deportation Is a Death Sentence,” Commentary, June 28:

Tom Hayden must be joking. I consider myself somewhat liberal, definitely left of center. Yet I was incredulous at Hayden’s suggestion that our country should not deport criminal aliens back to Honduras or other Central American nations because it is destabilizing to their native countries and/or may result in physical danger to the deportees.

If these immigrants’ gangland cultures are wreaking such havoc in their native lands, I shudder to think of the havoc these same gangsters have caused throughout Southern California.

If a person is here legally or is a legal resident alien but not yet a citizen, that person should bend over backward to obey our laws, if for no other reason than to avoid getting caught and deported.


If these people cannot control their antisocial behavior, even under the threat of deportation and all the dangers that accompany it, then they are not fit to live in a civilized society. Hayden is right that Honduras should not have to absorb such monsters, but they belong in their home countries much more than they belong here. We have enough of our own homegrown deviants.

Nancy Vye

Aliso Viejo


Let me see if I get this straight: Hayden wants us to feel guilty about deporting illegal aliens who are engaged in criminal activity, such as gangbanging, murder, drug dealing and other major felonies. The vast majority of illegal immigrants come here seeking a better life and don’t engage in criminal activity.

However, I don’t give a damn about the miscreants that we’ve deported and their fates in their home countries. We shouldn’t have to pay the long-term costs of their incarceration. Deport them and let their chips fall where they may.


Mark Steele

Woodland Hills


Oh dear. Hayden decries the deportation of Honduran gang members to Honduras, which seems to know how to deal with them. Better there than here, Tom.

Jack Bailey

Los Angeles
