
Peering Into Iraq’s Future After War and Hussein

Saddam Hussein has been captured, his sons killed; many wanted terrorists have been captured or killed; and millions of innocent Iraqi civilians have been celebrating because they have their country back. They will know democracy and have the right to vote. They no longer live in fear. Why don’t the antiwar people see that we have truly done a great thing in Iraq? Sometimes to make long-term peace, you need a short-term war.

Jeff Jackson


So the charade of Iraqi sovereignty continues: The Iraqis get legal custody of Hussein, but the U.S. Army maintains physical custody. Since the Army not only has physical custody of the entire country, but also completely controls the disbursement of the reconstruction budget, sovereignty (“supreme and independent power or authority in a state”) appears to be the wrong word to describe the situation.

Richard Harris

Los Angeles

A letter writer (July 2) asks if Iraqis killed by coalition forces are any less dead than those killed by Hussein. The question should be: Are there fewer dead than would have been if we hadn’t ousted Hussein?


Bob Fenton

Rancho Cucamonga

I keep reading about our new embassy being built in Iraq. It is to be the largest embassy in the world. Is this supposed to be a good thing? Aren’t we supposed to be showing concern for the Iraqis and their new government? It is even reported that some money for projects to supply pure water for Iraq has been used instead to make our behemoth embassy.

I fear we are just showing off in the usual American way, which says to the world, “We are bigger and better than any other country.” Has our government no conscience?

Susan Coddington

Pacific Palisades

“Seeing Islam Through the Lens of U.S. Hubris” (by Anonymous, Commentary, July 2) was utter tripe: America gives more foreign aid to Muslim countries that any other nation on the planet. And it’s America’s fault. Palestinians strap bombs to children to blow up and terrorize Jews. And it’s America’s fault. Arab nations rich with oil sell their oil to Americans. The wealth created is squandered on palaces while the infrastructure crumbles, people live in squander and women are not allowed to be educated. And it’s America’s fault. Muslims are taught that anyone who is not a Muslim is an infidel and not worthy of living. And it’s America’s fault. Muslims capture civilians and put videotaped beheadings on Arab TV while Hussein sits in a jail waiting for due process. And it’s America’s fault.


I could go on, but why waste my time. American apologists will never understand.

Allan Hearn

North Hollywood
