
At Least Kerry Has a Combat Record

Re “Kerry’s Own War Over Vietnam,” July 5, on Sen. John Kerry and his combat record: First of all, he has one, unlike some others who denigrate his. As a veteran of World War II, I really don’t care if Kerry spent his service time hiding in a corner of his river boat and got a Purple Heart for cutting his finger opening a can of C-rations. He served his country honorably in combat, and his record can testify to his daring and skill. Unlike some others, his service record has no mysterious gaps, and his commanders do remember him. Maybe he did use tactics “outside the book,” but so did many other combat commanders, such as Gen. George S. Patton.

Most of us went where we were sent and did what we were told to do, whether as an infantry “grunt” or a clerk-typist at a post in the United States. It’s only those servicemen who maneuvered themselves into a soft job away from combat who elicit my disdain.

Neal M. Gertz

Army Brig. Gen. (Ret.)

Laguna Hills


How dare this anti-Kerry group try to second-guess medals won by Kerry in Vietnam. However small his first wound, it was honorable, and received while fighting for the United States in a foreign war. He was there, in harm’s way, not back home in the then-safe National Guard. According to the men under his direct command, he did a pretty good job of it too.


What greater patriotism is there than that a man risk his life, receive wounds and be decorated for his bravery, and then, after realizing the insanity of the conflict, return home to fight for an end to the bloodshed. Perhaps someone should look into the decorations worn by retired Rear Adm. Roy F. Hoffmann and his group.

Jack Redmond

North Hollywood


The Democratic nominee for president has a strong military record serving the U.S. in Vietnam; the incumbent Republican president has a questionable record serving in the Texas National Guard. Solution: Organize a committee called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth to blast the Democratic nominee’s military record. Meanwhile, the incumbent president uses every speaking opportunity to tell how we must support our brave men and women overseas.

Martin A. Brower

Corona del Mar
