
For the 9/11 Families, All Losses Are Equal

Re “Imperfect Calculus for the Value of Lives,” Commentary, July 5: Kenneth R. Feinberg did indeed have an extraordinary task in sorting out the compensation to the families of the Sept. 11 disaster. His essential principle is that benefits are based on what you earn. This is certainly true in many situations, but I disagree when it comes to the loss of a loved one in which there can be no adequate compensation.

The loss of a secretary or a CEO is incalculable. There is no amount of money that can compensate the families of these victims. In these cases, it is the loss of the person rather than the loss of income that is paramount. I would rather see the families of all U.S. military and civilians who are killed by enemy action receive the same compensation.

Melvin Epstein

Sherman Oaks
