
Boot and the GOP Shoot at Kerry-Edwards Ticket

Re “Let Sleeping Pols Lie,” Commentary, July 8:

Media irrationality caused Al Gore’s loss last time around, and apparently it’s out in full force again. Max Boot claims Sen. John F. Kerry was too dull, and now with Sen. John Edwards, he’s too exciting? Let’s keep this in perspective: Compared with the cancer of the current administration, either of these faults is a hangnail.

R.E. Neu

Brooklyn, N.Y.


Strange days indeed when Boot writes something that makes sense. With all the drama we have endured since 9/11, Kerry’s strategy of “boring” his way to the White House while waiting for President Bush’s next catastrophe was working like a charm.

The selection of Edwards may actually cost Kerry the support of the conservative independents he needs in order to get elected.


Mark Van Leeuwen



Re “The Obvious Choice,” editorial, July 7: If the mess in Iraq is what an experienced vice president gets you, I gotta go with Edwards.

John McDonald

Manhattan Beach


Moments after Kerry announced the selection of Edwards as his running mate, the GOP orchestrated a barrage of negative sound bites (“no executive experience,” “ambulance chaser”) on all the news shows. Methinks the Republicans doth protest too much. If Edwards presents this negative resume, they should be ecstatic over such a tempting campaign target. In reality, they are shaking in their boots.

I can hardly wait for the Edwards-versus-Cheney debate.

John Lane

