
End Sought to Online Filings

The woman accusing Kobe Bryant of sexual assault has asked that the court stop transmitting information about the case electronically.

John Clune, the woman’s attorney, said in a brief that leaks have put his client’s safety at risk, writing, “The court’s interest in protecting victims’ rights as well as personal safety must come before mere convenience to the media.”

Court documents have been posted on a website to assist clerks who were besieged with requests for copies of motions by attorneys and orders by the judge in the early stages of the yearlong case. Nearly 400 documents have been posted so far.


Several months ago, the name of Bryant’s accuser was not blacked out in an online posting, a violation of court policy. And two weeks ago, a court reporter e-mailed transcripts of a two-day closed-door hearing to The Times and six other news organizations.

The Colorado Supreme Court has been debating for a week whether to allow the media to publish the contents of the transcripts.

-- Steve Henson
