
Gay Marriage Issue Is Only a Distraction

Re “Initiatives to Ban Gay Marriage Could Help Bush in Key States,” July 12: I wonder how the Bush administration and the congressional conservatives will explain their mantra that marriage is between a “man and a woman.” Has anyone challenged them publicly to define what a man is and a woman is?

Are Mianne Bagger, a transsexual who recently was welcomed by the Ladies Professional Golf Assn. to play in the Australian Open, and Jacqueline Aristegui, the Mexican football player turned female singer (recently featured in The Times), a man or a woman? Whom would they be “allowed” to marry?

That the Democrats allow themselves to be painted into the corner on this issue is pathetic.


Naomi Stephan



The Republican Party has chosen to make gay marriage an issue in the presidential campaign. There are good people who are opposed to gay marriage. I disagree with them but must respect their point of view.

However, I must ask them how gay marriage caused the following: (1) The death of almost 1,000 members of our armed services and who knows how many innocent Iraqis. (2) The loss of millions of jobs and lower pay for many who have found jobs. (3) The lack of medical insurance for 40 million Americans. (4) A huge national deficit increased by tax benefits to the rich. (5) The disdain of our former allies all over the world. (6) The spending of billions (for an unnecessary war) that could have been used for medical care, new schools, new jobs.

We must be careful what we wish for. We may get it.

Robert S. Ellison



That Bush/Cheney cynically continue to distract the rubes with gay marriage bans and the Pledge of Allegiance while the Halliburton/Iraq corruption continues is criminal. That it works is even sadder.


Freedom is an adult concept, and Bush/Cheney treat Americans like TV-addled children.

Simple, distracted minds can’t handle freedom, and Bush/Cheney are banking on fear and confusion to give them the 2004 election.

Mike Scott

Walnut Creek
