
Better Roads Remain the Best Solution

Re “The Road More Heavily Traveled,” July 5: Dan Weikel provided an excellent overview of the deepening transportation crisis along the Interstate 5 corridor, particularly with regard to how Interstate 5’s safety and efficiency shortcomings affect the economy and critical services such as healthcare. Reader Hanno Kirk’s suggestion (July 9) that we create a decent north-south rail system is a well-meaning but untimely solution to a rapidly escalating problem.

Planning efforts, cooperation and broad solutions are all good and should continue. But building roads now where they are needed is better.

We are supporting construction of a ready-to-go proposal by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to improve Interstate 5 in northern Los Angeles County that has been endorsed by Caltrans.


For an estimated $166-million investment, these improvements, according to the MTA, would increase capacity just north of the Interstate 5/California 14 interchange by approximately 50%, providing immediately apparent mobility and safety enhancements.

For the longer term, economic development, air quality and regional system connectivity would be dramatically enhanced.

Feasibility and timeliness of transportation solutions should be considered, along with need.


Victor Lindenheim

Executive Director

Golden State

Gateway Coalition

Santa Clarita
