
Booming approval of the pipe organ

As an organist and as one of those quoted in the article about the state of the pipe organ, I was very disappointed in the story’s unbalanced tone and lack of nuance (“The Faithful Heed That Booming Voice,” by Chris Pasles and Scott Timberg, July 9). Yes, some churches are using more popular styles in their services, and we organists must be prepared to enthusiastically participate in that reality. Nonetheless, in church, there is concurrently also a strong trend toward what is labeled traditional music. Neither the Crystal Cathedral nor the Mormon Tabernacle will be dispensing with their organs.

As I indicated to your reporter, I believe that when people, even non-churchgoers, hear quality organ music played with flair on quality instruments, they respond to it positively. How could someone not be enthused about an instrument that not only looks impressive, but can movingly whisper softer than a pin drop or shake the walls with deep torrents of acoustic sound?

John Michniewicz

Bridgeport, Conn.
