
Ethics Breach by Mayor’s Campaign Is Alleged

Re “Panel Alleges Ethics Breach,” July 13: Sensational headlines that include “money laundering” are more grist for the political adversaries of a man who is without a doubt the most squeaky clean mayor in Los Angeles history. Scandal sells papers but does a great disservice to a man who has served Los Angeles well as city controller, city attorney and mayor, while maintaining the impeccable reputation, high standards and dedication to public service that kept his father [late county Supervisor] Kenny Hahn in office for 40 years.

Chris Fuentes



Even with campaign financing laws, there will always be attempts to funnel extralegal money to a candidate who is perceived as being potentially useful by a donor. The solution to this problem is a system of publicly financed campaigns where each candidate for a city office would receive the same amount of funds. Candidates would not have to go to wealthy donors for their campaign funds; the funds would come from the public.

Yes, the public would buy their politicians instead of the big donors. As an added bonus, our elected officials would not have to spend time raising campaign funds.


Instead, they would be getting to know their constituents. Isn’t that the way it should be?

Robin Gilbert

North Hills
