
Emmy nominees

The following Emmy Award nominations were inadvertently left out of the list that ran in Friday’s Calendar.



Michael Reitz, Karen Bartek, Grace Hernandez, Julie Woods, “Alias” (“Unveiled”), ABC; Kerry Mendenhall, Louisa V. Anthony, Elisabeth Rabe, “Carnivale” (“After the Ball Is Over”), HBO; Josee Normand, Peter Tothpal, Susan Carol-Schwary, Ellen Powell, “Deadwood” (“Plague”), HBO; Matthew Kasten, Mishell Chandler, Desmond Miller, Anthea Grutsis, “MADtv” (“MADtv’s 200th Episode”), Fox; Clariss Morgan, Michaelanthony, Linda Rice, “Saturday Night Live” (Host: Jessica Simpson & Nick Lachay), NBC.

Miniseries, movie or special

David Brian Brown, Jasen Joseph Sica, “Angels in America,” HBO; Rejean Forget, Don Olson, “Dreamkeeper,” ABC; Paul Pattison, Kimberly Spiteri, “Ike: Countdown to D-day,” A&E; Martial Corneville, Silka Lisku, Klara Szinek, “The Lion in Winter,” Showtime; Linda Bourgon, Marie-Ange Ripka, “The Reagans,” Showtime; Cydney Cornell, Charlotte Parker, “Tracey Ullman in the Trailer Tales,” HBO.
