
2004 Platform

Highlights of the Democratic platform, scheduled to be approved today at the party’s national convention.

Homeland security

Summary: Favors improved intelligence sharing and analysis, tighter security domestically and at the nation’s air, land and sea entry points -- in part through more and better-equipped first responders to emergencies.

Excerpt: “We have made some progress since the terrible attacks of Sept. 11 .... But we have not done nearly enough. Our intelligence services remain fragmented and lack coordination.”



Summary: Calls for diplomatic collaboration to create peace in Iraq and prevent terrorist recruitment, comprehensive nuclear antiproliferation policies and the appointment of an international “high commissioner” to work with the Iraqi government to oversee the nation’s rebuilding.

Excerpt: “Victory in the war on terror requires a combination of American determination and international cooperation on all fronts.”


Summary: Calls for 40,000 more active-duty personnel, better equipment and training of troops and more effective veterans’ health services.


Excerpt: “John Kerry, John Edwards and the Democratic Party will send a clear message to every man and woman in our armed forces: We guarantee that you will always be the best-led, best-equipped and most-respected fighting force in the world.”


Summary: Seeks to eliminate tax cuts for families making more than $200,000 annually and end corporate tax loopholes.

Excerpt: “We want a tax code that rewards work and creates wealth for more people, not a tax code that hoards wealth for those who already have it.”



Summary: Proposes fiscal discipline and increasing the federal minimum wage to $7 from $5.15 an hour; advocates tax credits and loans to small businesses, the preservation of Social Security and programs to revitalize manufacturing in the U.S.

Excerpt: “We must restore responsibility to our [federal] budget, or we will strangle opportunity for the next generation of middle-class Americans.”

Foreign policy

Summary: Backs investment in Africa and the global fight against AIDS, repairing the U.S. alliance with Europe and creating a Palestinian state.

Excerpt: “U.S. engagement in Africa should reflect its vital significance to U.S. interests and the moral imperative to help a continent struggling with the scourge of HIV/AIDS and under the long shadow of chronic poverty.”


Summary: Proposes tax credits to make health insurance more affordable and providing healthcare to all children by strengthening Medicaid. Embraces in general terms Kerry’s proposal that the federal government pay catastrophic medical bills that exceed $50,000 a year to reduce insurance premiums. Supports stem cell and other medical research, lower prescription drug costs, legalizing the importation of cheaper drugs, and streamlining Medicare to lower costs.

Excerpt: “We will improve the quality of care and the efficiency of the medical system by using American technological know-how to cut billions of dollars wasted in administrative processing and paperwork.”



Summary: Seeks tax credits for college tuition. Supports public school choice, in which families can elect which local school their child attends, as opposed to providing vouchers that can be used to pay private-school costs. Also favors charter schools, the Head Start program and professional development for teachers.

Excerpt: “We believe providing [educational] resources without reform is a waste of money, and reform without resources is a waste of time.”


Summary: Supports a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion, regardless of ability to pay, but also supports family planning and adoption initiatives.

Excerpt: “Abortion should be safe, legal and rare.”

Gay marriage

Summary: Supports equal rights for gay and lesbian couples, with the definition of marriage left to the states.

Excerpt: “We support full inclusion of gay and lesbian families in the life of our nation and seek equal responsibilities, benefits and protections for these families.”


Summary: Calls for citizenship for undocumented workers who pass background checks, have jobs and pay taxes; encourages the reunification of families.


Excerpt: “Today’s immigration laws do not reflect our values or serve our security, and we will work for real reform.”


Summary: Favors tax credits for private investment in renewable fuels, incentives to buy energy-efficient vehicles and new oil-production partnerships with nations such as Russia and Canada.

Excerpt: “Today, the American economy depends on oil controlled by some of the world’s most repressive regimes. This leaves our economy dangerously vulnerable to nations that do not share our interests.”


Summary: Supports more rigorous water and air pollution standards and protection of public lands.

Excerpt: “We reject the false choice between a healthy economy and a healthy environment.”

Source: Democratic National Committee
