
When Pushing Comes to ‘Shove It’

Re “Shove Story,” editorial, July 27: Methinks The Times editorial writer should “shove it.” What gall to think that an editorial writer from a right-wing rag has the right to abuse Teresa Heinz Kerry without her reacting as she rightly did. This hardly compares with Vice President Cheney’s use of the “F-word” on the floor of the Senate, which was truly despicable and which he later said made him feel better. I assume Heinz Kerry feels better too. So do I.

George Magit



After reading “Frankly, Kerry’s Wife Goes Off Script Again” (July 27), then reading “Shove Story” in your editorial page (July 27), I have to conclude that the editors do not read their own paper. It is clearly stated that Heinz Kerry referred to “un-American traits” in politics. Colin McNickle asked her what she meant by “un-American activity.” There is a world of difference between the political characteristics Heinz Kerry was referring to and the spin McNickle was trying to put on it by reformatting her statement. Un-American activities are a far cry from the un-American traits in politics she was expressing concern about. Heinz Kerry shows commitment and strength in strongly rebutting the negative spin that McNickle was trying to snare her in.

I’m with Hillary Clinton on this one: “You go, girl.”


Macias McKay

