
Targeted help for sports injuries

Special to The Washington Post

The cure-all acronym RICE -- rest, ice, compression and elevation -- is great for ankle sprains. But other ailments require targeted treatment.

Here is some guidance from the website

* Muscle pulls: Rest and apply ice (20 minutes on, 20 minutes off) until pain and swelling subside. As soon as tolerable, begin gently stretching the muscle.

* Lower back strains: After a week of rest, start a workout that strengthens the lower back plus the hamstring and abdominal muscles, which help support the back.


* Runner’s knee: Strengthen the quadriceps muscle, which helps keep the kneecap centered. Use isometric exercises at first, then progress to partial range-of-motion leg extensions. Do not attempt full leg extensions.

For mild injuries, try to regain full range of motion as soon as possible, and try not to limp.
