
Redlands Removes Cross From Its City Seal

Re “Facing ACLU Complaint, City to Drop Seal’s Cross,” April 29: ACLU officials must really believe they are doing great work by dismantling the foundation that this country was built on. They never seem to miss an opportunity to “separate church from state” under the guise of 1st Amendment violations. What I don’t understand is why, despite the fact that the vast majority of Americans consider themselves Christians, we cave in to the demands of the whining minority.

Thanks, ACLU, for responding to the two citizens in Redlands who complained about the cross in the city emblem. I hope they’re happy.

Christopher Grisanti



Hooray for the Redlands City Council. Religious symbols have no place on a city seal. The Christians who were protesting the removal should ask themselves how they would feel if a Star of David or a crescent moon were featured on the city seal instead of the cross. Some Christians seem to think that their religion is entitled to special treatment. Fortunately, the courts disagree.


Josh Rivetz

