
Baseball Quickly Comes to Its Spider Senses

If either Bill Veeck or Charles O. Finley had tried this “Spider-Man” stunt, Major League Baseball would’ve fined them in a New York minute. I’m confident that they’re both chatting right now, something along the lines of:

“You know, Charles, if it was me, I’d have the shortstop dress up like the Green Goblin, then when he tries to turn the double-play, a spider web shoots out of the base.”

“I’ll go you one better, Bill. Instead of green, we’ll spray-paint the Goblin orange and give him a handlebar mustache.”


Kind of gives credence to the old axiom, the more things change, the more they stay the same, don’t you think?

John R. Grush

Mission Viejo


Rule 1.06 of the Official Rules of Baseball says, “First, second and third bases shall be marked by white canvas bags ... “ I look forward to seeing this rule officially amended to include the phrase “with yellow and red ads for Spider-Man 2”.

Jonathan Pearce

Santa Monica


The idea to advertise a movie on the bags was a very clever web-based strategy for the “Spider-Man” promoters. They received a lot of advertising, knew it would never work, and spent very little money for the massive publicity they received.


Sean Bryan

Garden Grove
