
Rights Group Faults British Troops

From Associated Press

British soldiers have shot and killed Iraqi civilians in situations in which the troops were under no apparent threat, Amnesty International alleged today.

A report by the human rights group said the military failed to investigate many cases in which British soldiers killed civilians in Iraq, and that the inquiries it did undertake were too secretive.

The Defense Ministry said it would comment after it had examined the allegations in detail.


Amnesty also said that armed groups and individuals in Iraq had killed dozens or possibly hundreds of civilians in the British-controlled south, and that many people were afraid to discuss the killings. It said Iraqis had little confidence that the British military or Iraqi police could protect them.

“We are told in the U.K. that southern Iraq is comparatively safe and secure. Yet Iraqis on the ground have painted a very different picture,” said Kate Allen, director of Amnesty International U.K. “People live in fear of armed groups who can strike with seeming impunity.”

Amnesty said the allegations of killings by British forces were based on its representatives’ visits to southern Iraq in February and March.
