
Wrong James

I hate to complain, but it stuck in my craw that with the war going on and America in need of revolution on so many levels, you gave the unremarkable James Caan (“James Caan’s Next Act,” May 16) top billing -- front page and a detailed two-page spread -- while we had to bump into James Hillman (“Mankind Is From Mars”), one of the few truly innovative, subtle and iconoclastic thinkers living today. I understand Los Angeles heads a nation obsessed with celebrity gods, but why doesn’t The Times take the lead in shifting our focus?

Elizabeth Degenhardt



I’m writing regarding the excellent article about James Hillman. I was deeply moved and intellectually stimulated by the ideas he raised, the challenges he made, to all of us who consider ourselves pro-peace. The article by Ms. Steiman was well-written and captured a great deal of the complexity of Mr. Hillman’s thoughts and analysis. I will definitely go out and buy his book.

Ronnie Clemmer

