

Included in this year’s Forbes 400 are members who have invested a chunk of their substantial fortunes in professional sports teams, making them 2004’s wealthiest sports owners.

*--* NAME TEA WEALTH M(S ) PAUL ALLEN Sea $20 billion ttl e Sea haw ks; Por tla nd Tra il Bla zer s MICKY ARISON Mia $5.3 billion mi Hea t PHILIP ANSCHUTZ Lak $5.2 billion ers ; Kin gs; San Jos e Ear thq uak es; Gal axy ; Chi cag o Fir e; DC Uni ted ; Met roS tar s RICHARD DEVOS Orl $3 billion and o Mag ic PRESTON R. TISCH New $3 billion Yor k Gia nts ANN WALTON KROENKE; E. STANLEY KROENKE St. $3 billion; $1.4 billion Lou is Ram s; Den ver Nug get s; Col ora do Ava lan che WILLIAM DAVIDSON Det $2.8 billion roi t Pis ton s; Tam pa Bay Lig htn ing ; Det roi t Sho ck CARL POHLAD Min $2.3 billion nes ota Twi ns ROBERT E. RICH SR. Buf $2 billion fal o Bis ons GLEN TAYLOR Min $1.9 billion nes ota Tim ber wol ves ; Min nes ota Lyn x CARL LINDNER & FAMILY Cin $1.8 billion cin nat i Red s H. WAYNE HUIZENGA Mia $1.8 billion mi Dol phi ns ROBERT MCNAIR Hou $1.5 billion sto n Tex ans ROBERT D. MCLANE JR. Hou $1.3 billion sto n Ast ros MARK CUBAN Dal $1.3 billion las Mav eri cks

