
Different Iceland, just as spectacular

We spent two weeks in Iceland in August and saw a different country from the one written about in Margo Pfeiff’s article, “A Land That Runs Hot and Cold” [Sept. 19]. We traveled with Elderhostel to three major cities and did day trips. Two trips, one for birding and one to see whales, put us on the fiords and sea. Geologists led trips to craters, volcanic fields of lava and tours of geothermal plants. Lectures by college agricultural and fisheries experts also filled our days. Storytellers of sagas, and music and dance by the talented locals kept evenings interesting.

We may have sadly missed resting our backpacks on 3 feet of moss, but we came home delighted, informed and in wonder of the stark contrasts of land and the Icelandic way of life.


and Bob Howard

San Clemente

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