
Tired? Spring back with yoga

Therapeutic yoga has become popular in some alternative medicine programs; its poses and breathing techniques can help people with cardiac rehabilitation and muscular sclerosis symptoms, among other things. Now, two new DVDs use yoga to combat fatigue.


“Wai Lana Yoga: Goodbye Inertia” and “Wai Lana Yoga: Invigoration”: These DVDs emphasize postures and stretches designed to give the yoga practitioner more energy. In both editions, host Wai Lana’s voice-overs describe in detail how to achieve each pose, plus its health benefits. The “Invigorating” video contains some challenging poses and is more suited to those with yoga training; “Goodbye Inertia” contains gentle stretches and can probably be followed by those less experienced. In both DVDs, Wai Lana does her workouts against spectacular backgrounds of crashing waves and other nature scenes. Viewers can highlight specific asanas, or poses.

“I think lethargy is definitely a problem in today’s lifestyle,” Wai Lana says. “Yoga simultaneously helps relieve stress and gives you energy through its different techniques, like poses, breathing, relaxation and meditation.”


Price: About $17.95 each; available at and at


-- Jeannine Stein
