
Two Angles on Movie Production Work

Re “100,000 Pennies Saved Are 100,000 Pennies Spurned,” Oct. 23: Three cheers for the Roths of Brentwood for challenging the self-professed rulers of Los Angeles. Production companies view all of us as their indentured servants and all city streets as their private domain.

When I was working in Sherman Oaks years ago, a production unit decided to use our customer parking area as part of its film lot without even informing us of its intent or asking for our permission. It is so gratifying to read about someone who not only stands up to the studio production companies but has them eating an ample portion of crow as well.

I applaud Stefanie Roth; she is my kind of woman. If only I could shake her hand. I can imagine how thankful the intended charity will be to the Roths.


Charles Jones



It seems to me that the injured parties here were not the Roths, who demanded and received $1,000 compensation from a film production company in return for having to send away the previously hired tree trimmers whose noise would have interfered with filming.

There was, presumably, a crew of hourly workers scheduled to work that day who instead probably went home without another job and without pay for the day. I’m sure they would have gladly accepted even the pennies!

Chris Seal

