
Nader Risks Spoiling His Earlier Record

Ralph Nader was a great American. He has saved thousands of lives. Unfortunately, in the future his name will be known as an adjective for a spoiler, someone who takes his ball home if he can’t get his way. He could still be an asset and of help to the people he claims to care about. He can’t honestly say now that he hasn’t helped cause the deaths of thousands. It’s time for him to come down off his horse and let history record him for what he accomplished. Otherwise his name will be synonymous with a loser.

Steve Baker

Los Angeles


Nader, you should be ashamed of yourself! You know very well that every vote for you is a vote for President Bush. Therefore, you should tell the American people the truth. You endorse Bush’s policies and you want them another four years.

Eva Burquist

Woodland Hills
