
Letters: Ban bags? No thanks.

Re “State plastic-bag ban proposed,” Jan. 24

Instead of attempting to ban single-use plastic bags — which, by the way, have many uses — why doesn’t the Legislature focus on personal responsibility and encourage people to dispose of them properly?

What’s next to be banned, paper and plastic cups and plates? Glass bottles and aluminum cans? Trash is everywhere, and to some degree it’s because people are too lazy to dispose of it in trash containers.

This is just another case of government officials thinking they know what’s best for people, which would be laughable if it wasn’t so absurd.


Tom Collier

West Covina

I have always used paper rather than plastic bags at the markets, and I recycle them. I am having a terrible time, however, with the reusable ones I have tried.

If the bag is full and heavy, I must carry it in my arms, but they are all so floppy that they won’t hold their shape and things tend to fall out. So I must pay a dime for each bag I need or remember to bring them back for reuse.

I would be grateful if someone would manufacture bags stiff enough to substitute for paper.


Julie May

Los Angeles


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